Past Exhibitions

 Tracey Falcon


March - The Horsebridge Card and Print Show, Whitstable.


October 22 - Feb 20, Turner Contemporary Open Exhibition, Margate.


March 14-24, Take Back Control, The Crypt Gallery, London.


November 29-30, Contributor VVM8 The Art Hostel Leeds.

July 31-August 5,  Contributor and interviewee, Production Process Collaboration VVM7 Tate Exchange Liverpool.

June 2-10, Assembly, Whitstable Biennale Satellite.


October 14–22, Contributor -The Artist Within – Branching Out, VVM5 57thVenice Biennale, 

June 4-10, Summer Small Fine Art Exhibition, Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, London.

January 20-23, Artrooms, Melia White House, London.


July 16–17, Contributor -The Sea Has no Boundaries, Stories of Travellers and Dreamers, VVM4 Hamburg Altonale 18.

June 4–12, Texture Narratives, Viking Gallery, Margate.

 June 4–12, Assembly, Whitstable Biennale Satellite.

March 8-20, Justice For Women, Beach Creative, Herne Bay.


 October 30-31, Out of The Blue, Westgate Gardens, Canterbury.

September 2–October 4, Contributor - Venice Vending Machine 3 (VVM) 56thVenice Biennale. 

September 3-4, Out of The Blue/Assembly, Whitstable.

May 2-15, Out of The Blue, Harbour Arm Gallery, Margate.


September, White Horses Floating Gallery Deal: White Horses Whitstable.

July 30-August 27, The Send OffThe Orangery, Knole, Sevenoaks.

July 9-July15, Assembly,The Horsebridge Centre, Whitstable.

May 31-June 15, The Summerhouse Show, Whitstable Biennale Satellite.


 August - October, White Horses Floating Gallery. Whitstable: White Horses Whitstable.

 May 1-7, Assembly, The Horsebridge Centre, Whitstable.

 March 2-17, Text Based Art,The Front Room, Beaney House of Art and Knowledge, Canterbury.

 February 18-March 3, White Horses WhitstableThe Horsebridge Centre, Whitstable. 

 January 31-February 3, Watercolour and Works on Paper Fair, The Science Museum, London. With the National Open Art Competition.


 November 10-December 15, Science Nature Identity at Stour Valley Arts Gallery, Elwick Road, Ashford.

 October 24-November 1, National Open Art Competition, Princes Foundation Gallery, Hoxton, London.

 October 11-October 21,   National Open Art Competition, Minerva Theatre Chichester.

 August,  Fowle Hall Features/Accident and Emergence.  Exhibition/residency.

 February 27-April 1, Colne Gallery, Colchester Hospital, Colchester.


 December-January 2012, The Sportsman, Seasalter.

 September-December, Solo exhibition at Cloisters, 1 Pump Court, Temple. London. EC4Y 7AA.


 December, Here Today, Reflections On And Remnants Of The Past. Group show. The Outside World Gallery, London E2.

 October–November, Cross My Art - 210 Pentonville. Pop up Exhibition London.

 October,  Livelitattheword WordART, The Horsebridge Centre Whitstable.

 September–October, Art and Escape Gallery Awards Exhibition.Shortlisted for annual awards.

 June–August, Stark Gallery Canterbury.

 June–July, Fowle Hall Features/Accident and Emergence. Group Exhibition.


 July–August, Pulp Fictions at Rochester Art Gallery. Group exhibition of artists using paper in their work. I also did an artist workshop in response to the exhibition and Rochester Cathedral. Work from this was installed in the garden at Rochester Cathedral.

 March–April, ko-ax Mascalls GalleryExhibition showcasing 6 Kent artists.


 October, Whitstable Open Studios.Charity exhibition.

 October, Canterbury Art Fair, Canterbury Festival.

 August–November, Folkestone Fringe, part of the Folkestone Triennial Fringe. Public installation at The Coastal Park.

 June, Charlton Arts Centre Open Exhibition.

 February–July, Chimaera Gallery. Group exhibition.


 November/December, Chimaera Gallery.Group exhibition.

 October, Canterbury Art Fair.Exhibition as part of the Canterbury Festival.

 August, Godinton House Gardens. Wild Garden sculpture exhibition.

 June, Hackwood Art Festival. Exhibited work and also ran workshop on environmental/recycled art to primary school students.

 June–October, Art in the Garden, Sir Harold Hillier Gardens. Summer exhibition.


 October, Canterbury Festival Arts Fair. Exhibition as part of Canterbury Festival.

 September-October, Exhibition at The Herbert Read Gallery, University College for the Creative Arts, Canterbury.

 August 2006, I SlugA group exhibition at the Horsebridge Centre, Whitstable.


 November, Seagull. A group exhibition at the Old Town Gallery, Margate.

 February-March, Plant/Transplant. Exhibition at Substation, Margate and St Peter’s Church Sandwich. Site specific work evolving as the work was moved to the second site.


 July 2004-2007, Canterbury Environmental Education Centre. I received a bursary awarded by English Nature and the Environmental Centre to create 3 site specific sculptures for the Environmental Centre dealing with both the nature of the site and the natural environment. This work was documented for 3 years. I also assisted in taking several workshops in environmental art for teachers and young people with special needs as part of the bursary.

 July, Margate Rocks.Open exhibition.

 March, Invasion. Public exhibition, City Wall, Canterbury.


 July–September, Group exhibition at Local Hero Records, Canterbury.

 May, The March Group exhibition at Local Hero Records, Canterbury.

 February–March, Group exhibition at Eurostar’s Ashford International Station.

 February, My video work shown alongside that of other students at an exhibition at UKC.

 1996 – 1997

 Youth Arts Festival, Hong Kong. Arranging/participatingAids Awareness project for Kelly Support Group. The ‘Aids Awareness’ project was seen by Medicin Sans Frontiers and we were asked to take the project into two Vietnamese refugee centres. We held two days at Whitehead and High Island Centres involving music, dance, theatre and art.

Medicin Sans Frontiers commission to design some murals for their clinic at Pillar Point refugee centre. I took a small group of artists with me and we involved children from the centre in the painting process.

Art in the Park’, an annual event designed for children and young adults to become involved in art projects. I organised activities for two of these events. For the second of these I worked with a young girl from one of the Vietnamese refugee centres.

Under Construction’, a project involving three refugee centres. I coordinated the project at the school in Pillar Point refugee centre. We then exhibited the works from the three centres in two locations in Hong Kong. I assisted in hanging exhibitions of various community arts projects around Hong Kong.